Why we don’t take part in Black Friday

We encourage fair prices all year round, making sure that our cooks and customers are never out-of-pocket!

Our take on Black Friday

It’s that time of year again! The start of Christmas shopping season is upon us. If there was ever a time that you are tempted to purchase something you’ve wanted all year, it’s probably now.

Wherever you look, you’re likely to be seeing “-% off of this” and “half-price on that”. It can often feel as though, if a business doesn’t offer some of their products or services at a reduced price, they’re in for a quiet winter. Many businesses are more than happy to offer Black Friday deals, offering prices that are much lower than usual.

So, why are we not taking part?

Let us explain…

Supporting independent home-cooks

As you know, we are All About The Cooks… Well, more specifically, we are All About supporting local, independent home-cooks.

Our cooks price their own food fairly all-year-round, making sure that customers are offered the best value at all times. Our cooks do this by taking into account the price they pay for ingredients, energy used and time spent cooking. 

Unfortunately, none of these are made any cheaper this time of year. More than any other year, this year, these costs are even being made more expensive for our cooks. This makes it hard for our cooks to offer Black Friday discounts – and as a platform that supports our cooks, we don’t believe that their cooking skills and time should be offered at a discounted price.


Offering Black Friday discounts should not come as a detriment to the income earned by our home-cooks. Therefore, we don’t think that it would be fair to our cooks to offer customers a Black Friday discount.

You might have seen us run other special offers from time-to-time, so, why are they any different to Black Friday discounts, you might ask?

Why we still run other special offers

You will probably see us running other special offers, particularly when we are new to a city or to encourage people to try us for the first time. This never comes at an expense to our home-cooks. We take any offers like this as a marketing expense, which is because…

We are committed to making sure that people are able to use All About The Cooks knowing that they are supporting local and independent cooks in the best way possible.

Calling all food lovers and home-cooks...

We want All About The Cooks to be a place where people from all walks of life are able to benefit from home-grown talent. This means that people who want to earn some money using their home-taught cooking skills can do so, and people that want to enjoy the different authentic cuisines available through the platform can do so too. 

If you are a food lover that enjoys supporting your local community and tasting different authentic cuisines, then have a look at cooks near you. Alternatively, if you enjoy making food for people, and want to earn a bit of money in the process, then why not enquire about becoming a cook?

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